Eliminate Code and Development Team Worries Forever

When you bring me on board, I will take care of your code, or lead your existing development team so you can refocus on running your business.

15 Years Development Experience

Worked on 300+ Sites & Apps

Complex Projects Welcomed

Are You Concerned That Your Development Team May Not Be Acting In Your Best Interests?

Is your existing agency or development team not delivering the results they promised? Does it feel like they don’t care about your site or app as much as you do and only see your site as a source of billable hours?

With so much outsourcing, do you really know who is writing the code for your site or app?

Are you getting the quality of development support you really deserve?

Do you feel like you are overpaying for your web development work?

I’ll Worry About Your Code or Team So You Don’t Have To

Dealing with the technical aspects of your site or app can feel overwhelming because you don’t see the code being written, and even if you do, you are unable to evaluate its quality. Having no way of knowing if code quality is good or if your development team is overstating the complexity of the work they do for you is dangerous.

That’s where I come in. When you bring me onboard, I can take care of your code or lead your existing development team. With 15 years of experience advising on, leading, and delivering advanced web projects for big brands and high-end agencies worldwide, I can bring that expertise to your site and development team. You will no longer have to worry about who is writing your code, the quality of your code, or whether the development team is overstating the complexity of the work.

or Learn More About Me

How to Hire Me as Your New Web Developer or Consultant

Schedule A Call

We schedule a call, so I can learn more about the development problems you’re facing

Custom Action Plan

We will come up with a plan on the best way to move your development work forward

No More Worries

I will take care of your existing code or lead your development team, so you don’t have to

The Technology Stack I Work With

My Development Backstory

In 2009, I coded an app named Cardplug using Silverstripe, a PHP framework. Cardplug didn’t generate the millions I had hoped for! So 2010, I decided to start a niche development agency that specialized in Silverstripe development to support myself as I continued travel the world. Fast forward to today, and I feel incredibly fortunate that many brands and agencies still still trust me to take care of all of their SilverStripe work.

Development Work I’ve completed

Allot of the work I do is deemed confidential by my clients. But here is a quick over-the-shoulder look at some of the development work I’ve done for some awesome brands. For a more detailed look at my work check out the work section on my agency site.

Book A FREE Dev Strategy Call

If code quality, your development team, or the amount of money you’re paying for web development work is worrying you and preventing you from scaling your business online, then please book a FREE development strategy call now